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The complete jv16 PowerTools command interface reference

How to read the list
[Item/Item2/Item3] means that you must use either Item, Item2 or Item3 as a parameter.
(-Item) means that Item is an optional parameter, you can use it if you want to.
"Item" means that you must put the parameter inside ""s.
N usually means that the parameter must be a number.

Some commands access secured features of the program, this means that the user running the program must have needed security privileges. Remember that when you run these commands from a batch file they are executed with the security access of "$Batch User" and not the "$Default" user account.
Click here to find out more about the custom user accounts and security features.

The commands are not case sensitive. Nearly all of the commands require some kind of security privileges. For example, the "Clear IE_Cache all" command requires the current user has a full access to Command_Clear and FileTool. You can find more info about the security features from here.

[XFG] means eXtended File Grouping, it's a quite powerful way to group many files together. This feature allows you to give many files as parameters for many commands. The syntax is:
"File1" "File2" "File3" "File4" ... / "Directory1" "Directory2|*.exe" "Directory3|*.dll;*.exe" ...
"C:\test\foo.dat" "C:\Temp|*.temp;*.tmp" - Gives the file C:\test\foo.dat and all .tmp and .temp files in C:\Temp as parameters.
"$C:\Temp\" "D:\Foo\|*.* -*.txt" - Gives all files under C:\Temp (and from its subdirectories) and all files except .txt files from D:\Foo\ as parameters.
"\|*.txt" - Gives all .txt files from the current directory as parameters.

The directories and filenames can be relative, for example, if you are currently in C:\Windows\ directory and you want to give all files from C:\Windows\Temp as parameters you can do it by writing: "\Temp", if you want also to include the subdirectories you can do that by: "\$Temp\".

Click here to see some examples how to use these commands in a jv16 PowerTools batch (jvb) file.

Basic commands

Action: Shows the main window.

Action: Shows the registry tool.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Action: Shows the registry cleaner.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Action: Shows the file tool.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the file tool.

Action: Shows the temp file tool.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the temp file tool.

Access Control
Action: Shows the access control window
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the access control window.

Action: Shows the backup tool window
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the backup tooll window.

Alias: Options
Action: Shows the preferences window
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the preferences window.

Action: Shows the Console window.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the console window.

Action: Shows the remove custom software window.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Action: Shows the Advanced Password System tool.

Syntax: CS [Software/Startup/Uninstall/Filetypes/New file/Shell extensions/Open with/Search/Context menu]
Action: Changes the registry tool's section.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Syntax: Close [MainWindow/RegTool/RegCleaner/FileTool/TempFileTool/Access Control/Backups/Preferences/Options/APS/About]
Action: Closes the specified window.

Close Active Window
Action: Closes the currently active tool of the jv16 PowerTools.

Action: Terminates the program.

Action: Does the same as Exit, i.e. terminates the program.

Usage of the basic features
Commands that allows you to use the main tools of the program

Syntax: FindFiles [Source="$C:\dir\"] Find="Search word" Retrieve="Retrieved info" Special=""
More syntax information:
The following parameters can be used for Retrieve parameter: Size SizeB, Attributes, Created, Accessed, Modified, Desc, Version, Author, Binary Type, Title, Artist, Album, Year, Comment, Genre, Dimensions, Colour Depth.
The following parameters can be used for Special parameter: OnlyTempFiles, OnlyBrokenShortcuts, OnlyDuplicates.
Symbol $ in the beginning of the directory tells the program also to search from the dir's subdirs.
There can be multiple source blocks. See the examples.
Action: Finds files from specified dir(s) and shows the results in the file tool. Automatically shows the file tool if necessary.
FindFiles [Source="C:\Temp"] Find="*.exe" - Finds all .exe files from C:\Temp\ but not from its subdirs.
FindFiles [Source="$C:\Temp"] Find="*.dll;*.exe" - Finds all .dll and .exe files from C:\Temp\ and all of its subdirs.
FindFiles [Source="$C:\"] [Source="$D:\"] Find="*.* -*.exe -*.dll" - Finds all files except .exe and .dll files from the C and D drives.
FindFiles [Source="$C:\"] Find="*.*" Special="OnlyDuplicates" - Finds all duplicate files from C drive.
Click here for more information about the filename parser and its features.

Syntax: RegCleaner [Manual/Automatic] (-hklm) (-hkus) (-hkcu) (-hkcr) (-exts) (-font) (-ole) (-mos) (-sof) (-help) (-app) (-add) (-opw) (-sha) (-fix) (-ignored) (-nobackups) (-idle) (-nopopup) (-nothread)
Action: Starts the Registry Cleaner. Execute the RegCleaner command without any parameters to show just the registry cleaner window.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Syntax: RegFinder "search word1" "search word 2" ... (-hkcr) (-hkcc) (-hkcu) (-hklm) (-hkus) (-Case) (-FullWords) (-KeyNames) (-ValueNames) (-ValueData) (-idle)
Action: Starts the Registry Finder. Execute the RegFinder command without any parameters to show just the registry finder window.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the registry tool.

Syntax: Clear [IE_Cache all/IE_Cache pics/IE_Cache pages/IE_Cache cookies/Error log/Command cache/Console cache/RegCleaner Cache]
Action: Clears the specified item, like the command cache or all cached pictures from Windows' temporary internet files folder.
Advanced information:
"Clear IE_Cache pics" removes all following picture formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .bmp, .png, .gif, .jp2.
"Clear IE_Cache pages" removes all .htm, .html and .shtml files.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the clear command.

Syntax: Encrypt [Twofish/Blowfish/Rijndeal/Skipjack/Square] "password" [XFG]
Action: Encrypts the files with the specified algorithm and password.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Decrypt "Password" [XFG]
Action: Decrypts the files using the specified password, the program can automatically detect the used algorithm.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: List [SystemDLLS/SharedDLLs]
Action: Lists the dll files to the file tool.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the file tool.

Syntax: View [Error log/command cache/"filename"]
Action: Opens the specified file with the default file viewer.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the view command.

Syntax: SaveList [RegTool/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/RegCleaner] "Filename.txt"
Action: Saves the tool's current view to a file. The command supports following data formats: txt, html, xhtml, xml, csv and Microsoft Excel xls.
Example: SaveList RegTool "C:\File.html" - Saves the current view of the registry tool to C:\File.html.

Interface commands
These commands allows you to access the programs graphical user interface from the console or from a batch file.

Syntax: Click [RegTool/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/Console/AccessControl/Options/RegCleaner/RegFinder] [Button/Menu] "Caption"
Action: Sends a virtual mouse click to the specific button or a menu item. The tool where the button is must be visible when executing this command.
Click FileTool Button "More Functions..." - Clicks the More Functions button in the file tool.
Click RegTool Menu "FAQ" - Clicks the Help>FAQ menu item.
Note that these examples work only if the program is using the English language.

Syntax: Check caption
Action: Checks (ie. ticks) the specified check box. The tool where you want to check the check box must be visible when you execute the command.
Example: Check Find only temp files - Checks the file tool's (which must be visible) option to find only temp files.

Syntax: UnCheck caption
Action: Unchecks (ie. removes the tick) the specified check box. The tool where you want to uncheck the check box must be visible when you execute the command.

Syntax: SetText "Caption" text
Action: Writes the text to the specific text box. The tool which you want to access must be visible at the time.
Example: SetText "Search word" *.* - Puts the word "*.*" to the file tool's search word box if the file tool is visible.

Syntax: GetText "Caption"
Action: Reads the text from the specific text box. The tool which you want to access must be visible at the time.

Syntax: Scroll [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool] N
Action: Scrolls the list by N units.

Syntax: Select [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool] [all/inverse/none/highlighted]
Action: Selects specified items from a tool.

Syntax: Find [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl] "Search word"
Action: Highlights one or more items matching the search word.

Syntax: Find [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl] "Search word"
Action: Selects one or more items matching the search word.

Syntax: GetItem [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl] N
Action: Returns the data from the Nth item of the list.

Syntax: GetItemC [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl] N
Action: Returns the caption of data from the Nth item of the list.

Syntax: GetItems [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl]
Action: Returns all the data from the specific tool's current list.

Syntax: GetItemCount [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl]
Action: Returns the amount of items in the specific tool's current list.

Syntax: GetSelItems [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl]
Action: Returns all the data from selected items of the specific tool's current list.

Syntax: GetHighItems [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl]
Action: Returns all the data from highlighted items of the specific tool's current list.

Syntax: GetVisItemCount [RegTool/RegCleaner/RegFinder/FileTool/TempFileTool/BackupTool/AccessControl]
Action: Returns the amount of visible items in the specific tool's current list.

Action: Returns the coordinates of the mouse pointer.

Syntax: SetMousePos X Y
Action: Moves the mouse pointer to the specific place.

Action: Hides the program. Should only be used in batch files and not from the console.

Action: Shows the program again.

Syntax: Trans N
Action: Makes the Console window N % transparent. N is a number between 0 and 99. Works only under Win2000 and XP.

File commands
Commands that allows you to view or edit files.

Syntax: Copy "Destination dir" [XFG]
Action: Copies files to the specified destination.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Move "Destination dir" [XFG]
Action: Copies files to the specified destination.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: DeleteFile [XFG]
Action: Removes files. Doesn't create backups.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: WipeFile [XFG]
Action: Removes the files by wiping it. Doesn't create backups.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: MoveToBin [XFG]
Action: Removes the files by moving them to the Windows recycle bin. Doesn't create backups.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: CombineFiles "NewFilename" "File1" "File2" "File3" "File4" ...
Action: Combines the files.
Example: CombineFiles "C:\AllParts.mpg" "C:\Movie_Part1.mpg" "C:\Movie_Part2.mpg" - Combines two parts of the movie into a single, full lenght movie.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: XCombineFiles "NewFilename" [XFG]
Action: Combines the files.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Mkdir Directory
Action: Creates a new directory. The directory path can be relative or absolute.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: CreateDir C:\NewDir\
Action: Creates a directory and the subdirectories.
Example: CreateDir C:\123\321\foo\test\123 - Creates the C:\123 directory and the subdirectories to it.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Rmdir Directory
Action: Removes an empty directory. The directory path can be relative or absolute.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Ren "filename" "new filename"
Action: Renames a file.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Attr (+a) (-a) (+h) (-h) (+r) (-r) (+s) (-s) [XFG]
Action: Removes or adds the specified attributes to many files at a same time.
Example: Attr +a -r "$C:\Temp\" "D:\Temp\|*.tmp" - Adds the archive attribute and removes the read-only attribute from all files under C:\Temp (including the subdirectories) and all .tmp files in D:\Temp.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Grep "search word" [XFG] (-case) (-fullwords) (-n:20)
Action: Searches the search word within the specified files, or all the files in specified directories. Use the Case parameter to make the search case sensitive and use the Fullwords parameter to search only full words. The N parameter defines how long data the command will show, for example -n:20 shows 20 characters, -n:40 shows 40 characters. If no N parameter is defined the program uses a default value of 40 characters.
Grep "Test" "C:\TextDoc.txt" "E:\docs\" - Finds word "Test" from C:\TextDoc.txt and from all files in E:\Docks\.
Grep "Test" "E:\Docs\|*.txt" "$C:\Texts\|*.txt;*.html" - Finds word "Test" from all .txt files from E:\Docs\ and all .txt and .html files under C:\Texts\ and from its subdirs.

Syntax: GrepEx "search word" "replace with" [XFG] (-case) (-fullwords)
Action: Searches and replaces the search word with another word within the specified files, or all the files in specified directories. Use the Case parameter to make the search case sensitive and use the Fullwords parameter to search only full words.
GrepEx "Test" "123" "C:\TextDoc.txt" "E:\docs\" - Finds word "Test" and replaces it with "123" from C:\TextDoc.txt and from all files in E:\Docks\.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: LineGrep "search word" [XFG] (-case) (-fullwords) (-n:20)
Action: Searches for the lines containing the search word.
Use the Case parameter to make the search case sensitive and use the Fullwords parameter to search only full words.

Syntax: LineGrepEx "search word" "replace with" [XFG] (-case) (-fullwords)
Action: Searches for lines containing the search word and replaces the lines with the specified word.
Use the Case parameter to make the search case sensitive and use the Fullwords parameter to search only full words.

Syntax: RunBatch "Filename.jvb"
Action: Executes a jv16 PowerTools batch file.

Syntax: Run Filename.exe (-Hide) (-Shell)
Action: Runs a program. If the Hide paramter is used then the program is started as invisible. Use the Shell parameter to make the program to use Windows' ShellExecute function which can open files with their default viewer.
Run C:\Windows\notepad.exe - Starts the Notepad.
Run C:\My documents\text.txt -Shell - Starts default text editor and opens the document in it.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Run command.

Syntax: XRun "filename.exe" [Idle/Normal/High] [Hidden/Maximized/Minimized/Normal]
Action: Runs a program. You can also define the program's priority and the window state.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the XRun command.

Syntax: RunWait filename.exe -t:10
Action: Runs a program and waits for its termination. By default PowerTools waits one minute for the program to finish, you can define a custom time to wait with the T parameter.
Example: RunWait "c:\windows\sol.exe" -t:60 - Runs Windows Solitaire and waits one minute for its termination.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Run command.

Syntax: FileExists filename
Action: Returns "True" if the file exists, otherwise returns "False".

Syntax: DirExists directory
Action: Returns "True" if the directory exists, otherwise returns "False".

Syntax: WriteFile "filename" data
Action: Writes data to the specific file.

Syntax: AppendFile "filename" data
Action: Writes the data to the end of the file. Should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: WriteIniLine "filename" "Section" "DataName" "Value"
Action: Adds a new entry to an INI file.

Syntax: ReadIniLine "filename" "Section" "DataName"
Action: Reads one entry from an INI file.

Command Pre-Processor directives
The Console also contains a powerful pre-processor which analyzes the commands before the actual command interpreter, you can use these commands to control the command pre-processor.

Name: Put
Syntax: Command(s) >> "filename.txt"
Action: Saves the command's result to a file. Works only with commands which can show the results in Console window, so, for example, you can't use this command with the RegCleaner command.
Dir >> "dirs.txt" - Saves directory listing to dirs.txt.
CmdList >> "supported_commands.txt" - Saves the list of supported commands to supported_commands.txt

Name: Get
Syntax: (Command(s)) << "filename.txt" (Command(s))
Action: Includes data from a file to the command. If the file contains many lines the program will replace all LineFeeds with spaces.
You have two files in your current working dir, they are called file1.txt and file2.txt. File1.txt contains the word "-f" and File2.txt contains the word ""OnlyFiles2.txt"".
Dir << "file1.txt" - Executes the command Dir -f.
Dir << "file1.txt" >> "onlyfiles.txt" - Executes the command Dir -f and saves the results to onlyfiles.txt.
Dir << "file1.txt" >> << "file2.txt" - Executes the command Dir -f >> OnlyFiles2.txt.

Name: Pipe
Syntax: Command || Command2 ({})
Action: Gives the result of the first command as parameter to the second. If you want, you can specify where to insert the data from the previous command with the {} parameter.
WhereIs sol.exe || Run - Finds the Windows' Solitaire (sol.exe) and runs it with the Run command.
GetAppDir || View "{}\Documentation\index.html" - Finds the program's directory and uses that information to access this documentation's first page.
GetSysDir || cd - Goes to the Windows' system directory.

Syntax: Command1 ||| Command2
Action: Allows you to write two commands from one line. Handy when writing batch files.

Syntax: /NC Command
Action: Runs the command without adding anything to the console cache.

Syntax: If commands = result then commands end (else commands end)
Action: Allows you to use If clauses in batch files. You can use the following operators: =, >, <, <>, !=, >=, <=.
Example: If Hostname || sPos "x" > 0 then PrintMessage Your computer's name has an X! end
Note: You can also use the following syntax in batch files:
If commands = result then

Syntax: For (VariableName = StartValue to EndValue; OneStep) ...something...
Action: Executes a loop from StartValue to EndValue.
Example: For (i = 0 to 10; +1) GetVar i || PrintMessage
Note: You can also use the following syntax in batch files:
For (VariableName = StartValue to EndValue; OneStep)
Note: The StartValue and EndValue must be either numbers or variable names.

Commands relating to the Internet

Syntax: Web
Action: Opens the web site with the default browser.

Syntax: Google search words
Action: Opens the default browser and does a Google search with the search words.

Syntax: FTPSearch search words
Action: Opens the default brower and does a ftp search with AllTheWeb search engine.

Syntax: Usenet search words
Action: Opens the default browser and does an usenet search using Google.

Syntax: News search words
Action: Opens the default browser and does a search for news with Google.

Syntax: Dic search words
Action: Starts the default browser and opens the specified page from the Cambridge Online Dictionary (

Syntax: wGet
Action: Dislpays the contents of the file in console screen.
Notes: Uses IE for downloading the file. Remember to include the http:// part, this command doesn't work without it.

Syntax: Download "C:\filename.txt"
Action: Downloads and saves a file to the disk.
Notes: Uses IE for downloading the file. Remember to include the http:// part, this command doesn't work without it.

Console commands
These commands are mainly for the console but can also be run from a batch file if needed.

Syntax: cd (New directory)
Action: Changes the current working directory to another.
Cd test - Changes the current working directory to a subdirectory called "test", if it exists.
Cd - Displays the current working directory.
Cd\ - Changes the current working directory to the root of the drive.
Cd.. - Changes the current working directory to the previous directory.
cd /home - Changes the current working directory to the home directory. See SetHomeDir.

Action: Prints the current working directory.

Syntax: Dir ("directory") (-d) (-f)
Action: Lists the contents of a directory. If you do not give the directory as a parameter the current working directory is used. Give the D parameter to list only directories, F parameter to list only files.

Syntax: WhereIs Filename
Action: Does a quick search for a file and shows the result in Console.
Example: WhereIs "sol.exe" - Finds Sol.exe from your windows directory and prints the full path to the file to the Console screen.

Define Alias
Syntax: Define Alias "Alias"="Command"
Action: Defines a new command alias. For example, if you define "see you later" as an alias for the command "Exit" then the you can close the program by giving the "See you later" command. If you can't remember the order of the parameters, here's a tip: You are about to define an alias, so the alias comes first.
Example: Define Alias "See you later"="Exit"
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Define Alias command.

Syntax: Man Command
Action: Shows information about the command, the information is read from this file.
Man Grep - Shows information about the grep command.
Man man - Shows information about the man command.

Syntax: Syntax Command
Action: Shows the command's syntax.
Example: Syntax Dir - Prints the dir command's syntax, i.e: "Dir ("directory") (-d) (-f)"

Syntax: Help topic
Action: Opens the documentation from the specific topic.
Example: Help FileTool - opens the documentation's file tool section. The sections are defined by the filenames.

Action: Displays current date.

Action: Shows the computer's ip address(es).

Action: Shows the computer's mac address.

Action: Displays the computer's name.

Action: Displays your Windows' and jv16 PowerTools' username.

Syntax: History (N)
Action: Shows N last commands you have executed. If you don't define N the program will show the full command history.

Syntax: CmdList (Letter) (-c) (-L)
Action: Lists all supported commands. If the C parameter is given the program also shows the total number of commands, if you give a letter as a parameter the program will only show commands starting with that letter. Use the L parameter to get the list of commands in a format of a list where there is only one command per line.
CmdList -C - Shows a list of all supported commands and the total amount of them.
CmdList G -C - Shows the list of all commands which start with the letter G and the total amount of those commands.

Syntax: Cat filename
Action: Shows the contents of a file.

Syntax: XCat [XFG]
Action: Shows the contents of files.

Syntax: AsciiDump filename
Action: Extracts all ASCII text from a binary file.

Syntax: Head N [XFG]
Action: Lists the first N lines of a file. This command should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: Tail N [XFG]
Action: Lists the last N lines of a file. This command should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: ReadLine N [XFG]
Action: Reads the Nth line of the file. This command should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: ReadLines N1 N2 N3 N4 ... [XFG]
Action: Reads the specified lines of the files. This command should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: LineCount [XFG]
Action: Shows the amount of lines in specified files. This command should only be used with ASCII files.

Syntax: FileCount [XFG]
Action: Shows the amount of files.

Syntax: GetFileOwner [XFG]
Action: Shows the files' owner. Only for NT systems.

Syntax: TotalSize [XFG]
Action: Shows the total size of the files.

Syntax: AverageSize [XFG]
Action: Shows the average size of the files.

Syntax: Size [XFG]
Action: Shows the files' sizes.

Syntax: SizeKB [XFG]
Action: Shows the files' sizes in bytes.

Syntax: SizeKB [XFG]
Action: Shows the files' sizes in kilobytes.

Syntax: SortList [XFG] (-inv)
Action: Sorts the data inside files, use the Inv parameter to inverse the sort direction. Should only be used with ASCII files. Creates backups if so defined in the file tool.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: TrimList [XFG] -t:10 (-m:0)
M = -1: Removes lines from the text files which are shorter than the value defined with parameter T. Does not remove empty lines.
M = 0: Removes lines from the text files which length is equal with parameter T.
M = 1: Removes lines from the text files which are longer than the value defined with parameter T.
If the M parameter is not defined the program uses a default value of 0.
Should only be used with ASCII files. Creates backups if so defined in the file tool.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Timer (-f) (-m)
Action: Reads the current value of the timer. Use the F parameter to get the result in DD:HH:MM:SS format, otherwise the result is shown in seconds. Use the M parameter to get the result in milliseconds.

Action: Starts or initalizes the timer. You can read the timer's value with the Timer command.

Syntax: LineCmp "Filename1" "Filename2" (-NoCase)
Action: Compares two ASCII files line by line. Give NoCase parameter to ignore case.

Syntax: DevilTest Name
Action: Tests if the given name (or any other data) corresponds the number of the beast. The test is not case sensitive.

Action: Shows the version of jv16 PowerTools.

Action: Shows the version of Windows, the amount of free and total ram, the amount of free and total page file, the amount of free and total virtual memory.

Syntax: Env (-Section)
Action: Shows the jv16 PowerTools' settings. If the Section parameter the program will only show the information from that section. You can see the sections' names by first running the Env without parameters.
Example: Env -Console - Shows the Console settings.
Security privileges needed: At least a read-only level access to the Options.

Syntax: Set "Section" "Name" "Value"
Action: Allows you to change the jv16 PowerTools' current and default settings. The changes you make will be saved to the Settings.dat file and loaded every time you start the program.
Examples :
Set "FileTool" "Backups" "True" - Tells the file tool to create backups.
Set "Console" "HomeDir" "C:\" - Sets the Console home path to C:\, actually, this is what the SetHomeDir command does.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Options.

Syntax: Hd (C:\)
Action: Shows the free and total space of all harddisks if no drive letter was given as parameter.

Syntax: HDInfo (C:\)
Action: Shows the harddisks' name, serial number and filesystem. If the drive letter is not given as parameter the program lists the information of all the harddisks.

Syntax: SetHomeDir Directory
Action: Sets the default working directory. If user has not set it the default working directory is the directory where jv16 PowerTools is installed.

Action: Shows the list of fixed drives of the computer.

Syntax: GetExeType [XFG]
Action: Shows the type of an executable file, such as .exe or .dll file.

Syntax: File [XFG]
Action: Shows the type of a file.

Syntax: FileProp Filename
Action: Shows information about the file with the default Windows file properties window.

Syntax: FileProp2 Filename
Action: Shows information about the file with the jv16 PowerTools' file properties window.

Syntax: SHA1 [XFG]
Action: Generates a SHA1 checksum of files.

Syntax: MD5 [XFG]
Action: Generates a MD5 checksum of files.

Syntax: CRC [XFG]
Action: Generates a CRC-32 checksum of files.

Syntax: SaveScreen Filename.txt
Action: Saves the console screen to a text file.

Action: Shows the Windows uptime.

Action: Shows the Windows' system directory path, usually C:\Windows\System\.

Action: Shows the Windows' directory path, usually C:\Windows\.

Action: Shows the system Temp directories.

Action: Shows the jv16 PowerTools' directory path, usually C:\Program files\jv16 PowerTools\.

Action: Shows the console home directory. By default this is the jv16 PowerTools' directory.

Action: Shows the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.

Syntax: Parse "Filename" "Mask"
Action: Allows you to test the filename parser. Shows the result in the console screen.
Parse "Test.exe" "*.exe" - Shows "True"
Parse "Test.exe" "*.dll" - Shows "False"
Click here for more info about the filename parser.

Action: Rebuilds all currently cached icons, this helps to solve some icon problems.

Syntax: Login "User" "Password"
Action: Logs in to the program as "User" using password "Password".

Action: Logs off from jv16 PowerTools.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Logout command.

Syntax: XFindFiles [XFG]
Action: Finds files and shows the results in the console screen.

Syntax: Kill Filename.exe
Action: Terminates a running task.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the Kill command.

Action: Resets the Windows' hardware configuration. After a reboot you must re-install all the device drivers. This procedure is very extreme and should only be used by advanced users as the last try before re-installing Windows. Works only in Win9x systems.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the ResetHardwareConfiguration command.

Syntax: MakeFile Filename
Action: Creates an empty file.
Security privileges needed: Full access to the file tool.

Syntax: Ignore word
Action: Adds a word to the registry cleaner's ignore list.

Syntax: ShowMessage data
Action shows the data with a message box.

Syntax: PrintMessage data
Action: Shows the data in the Console screen.

Syntax: Sleep N
Action: Waits (i.e. does nothing) for N milliseconds. One second is 1000 milliseconds.

Action: Shows the data that has already been written to the Console screen.

Actions: Lists all running programs.

Action: Shows the owner of the Windows' license.

Action: Shuts down the computer.

Action: Reboots the computer.

Action: Returns the Windows' language.

Alias: Logout
Action: Logs off from jv16 PT and shows the Login screen.
Security privileges needed: Full access to logoff command.

Window commands
These commands allows you to access all the running windows. Many of these commands need the window handle as the parameter, you can retrieve the handle with e.g. the FindWindow command.

Syntax: FindWindow WindowName
Action: Returns the Window's handle.

Syntax: FindWindowC ClassName
Action: Returns the Window's handle.

Syntax: FindWindowT WindowTitle
Action: Returns the Window's handle based on the window's title. The title is not case sensitive and the parameter doesn't have to be the full title.

Action: Returns the handle of the top most window.

Syntax: BringWindowToTop Handle
Action: Makes the window top most.

Syntax: CloseWindow Handle
Action: Minimizes the window.

Syntax: IsWindow Handle
Action: Returns True if the window exists, otherwise returns False.

Syntax: IsWindowVisible Handle
Action: Returns True if the window is visible, otherwise returns False.

Syntax: ShowWindow Handle [Show/Maximize/Minimize/Restore/ShowNoActivate/Hide]
Action: Allows you to modify window's state.

Syntax: SetWinTrans N Handle
Action: Sets the window's transparency to N percent. Works only under Win2000/XP.

Syntax: GetWinPos Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's position.

Syntax: GetWinPosX Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's position's x coordinate.

Syntax: GetWinPosY Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's position's y coordinate.

Syntax: GetWinSize Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's size.

Syntax: GetWinSizeW Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's width.

Syntax: GetWinSizeH Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's height.

Syntax: ResizeWindow Handle Width Height
Action: Resizes the specific window. Enter 0 as the width or height parameter to maintain its the current value.
FindWindowT Notepad || ResizeWindow {} 0 100 - Sets the Notepad's height to 100 units, doesn't change width of the window.
FindWindowT Notepad || ResizeWindow {} 100 100 - Sets the Notepad's height and width to 100 units.

Syntax: MoveWindow Handle X Y
Action: Moves the specific window to a new position. Enter 0 as the X or Y parameter to maintain its current value.

Syntax: ScreenShot filename.bmp
Action: Creates a screen shot of the entire screen and saves it to a bmp file.

Syntax: ScreenShot Handle filename.bmp
Action: Creates a screen shot of the window and saves it to a bmp file.

Syntax: GetWindowText Handle
Action: Retrieves the window's caption.

Syntax: SetWindowText Handle Text
Action: Changes the window's caption.

Mathemathical functions

Syntax: Calc formula
Action: Calclulates a mathematical formula.
Supported operations:
x + y , x - y , x * y, x / y, x ^ y, x mod y, Abs(x), Frac(x), Trunc(x), Heaviside(x) or H(x), Sign(x), Sqrt(x), Ln(x), Exp(x), Cos(x), CTg(x), Ch(x), CTh(x), Sin(x), Sh(x), Tg(x), Th(x), ArcSin(x), ArcCos(x), ArcTg(x), ArcCtg(x).
Supported constants:
Pi, e (Natural Logarithmic Base), y (Euler's Constant), GR (Golden Ratio), g (Acceleration due to gravity), Ga (Catalan's constant).
Calc 1+2
Calc (1+5)*(2-6)
Calc 2*sin(30)
Powerd by Calcul from

Syntax: Inc N
Action: Increases N's value by one.
Example: Inc 7 - Gives: 8.

Syntax: Dec N
Action: Decreases N's value by one.
Example: Inc 7 - Gives: 6.

Syntax: IsPrime N
Action: Tests whether N is a prime number or not.

Syntax: Round N
Action: Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.
Example: Round 1.5 - Gives 2.

Syntax: Int N
Action: Returns the number's integer part.

Syntax: Frac N
Action: Returns the number's fractional part.

Syntax: Rnd (N)
Action: Generates a random number and shows it in the Console. If the parameter N is given the program will only generate random numbers smaller than N.

Syntax: IntToHex N
Action: Converts the specific number to a hex number.

Filter and string commands
These commands allows you to filter data and modify text data in many ways. These commands might become very handy when working with pipes (||s)

Syntax: InsQ data
Action: Inserts the data inside quation marks (""s).
Example: InsQ filename.exe - Shows: "filename.exe"

Syntax: qPacket data
Action: Puts words inside quation marks. If the data already contains parts with quation marks they will be ignored.
qPacket filename1.txt filename2.dat - Shows: "filename1.txt" "filename2.dat"
qPacket "data1" data2 data3 "data4" - Shows: "data1" "data2" "data3" "data4"

Syntax: qUnPacket data
Action: Removes all the quation marks from the data.
Example: qUnPacket "filename1.txt" "filename2.dat" - Shows: filename1.txt filename2.dat

Syntax: qStrip "data"
Action: Removes the quation marks (""s) from the beginning and the end of the data.
Example: qStrip"filename.exe" - Shows: filename.exe

Syntax: bStrip data
Action: Removes the Tab and Enter keys from the data.

Syntax: hStrip data
Action: A very basic html parser. Removes comments and tags.

Syntax: StripNum data
Action: Retrieves the first number from the data.
Example: Testing 123 foo - Returns 123.

Syntax: StripNums data
Action: Retrieves all the numbers from the data.
Example: Testing 123 foo 567 foobar - Returns 123 567

Syntax: GetListItem N data
Action: Returns the Nth item of a list, first item is number 1, second is 2 and so on.
GetListItem 1 Data - Returns: Foo
GetListItem 3 Data - Returns: Testing

Syntax: GetListItem Separator N data
Action: Returns the Nth item of a list, first item is number 1, second is 2 and so on.
GetListItemEx , 2 Test,foo,foobar,123,testing - Returns: foo
GetListItemEx , 5 Test,foo,foobar,123,testing - Returns: testing

Syntax: ExpandTree data
Action: Expands a data tree. See the example.
ExpandTree aaa\bbb\foo\ccc\

Syntax: ExpandTreeEx Separator data
Action: Expands a data tree. See the example.
ExpandTreeEx .

Syntax: LCase data
Action: Converts the data to lower case.

Syntax: UCase data
Action: Converts the data to upper case.

Syntax: ECase data
Action: Converts the data to elite style.
Example: ECase elite style - Shows: eLiTe STyLe

Syntax: 3Case data
Action: Converts the data to true 3L1T3 style.
Notes: Don't worry if you don't get the idea of this command, only worry if you get.
Example: 3Case elite style - Shows: 3L1T3 STyL3

Syntax: iCase data
Action: Inverts the data's case.

Syntax: Trimleft N data
Action: Removes the N first characters from the data starting from the left.

Syntax: TrimRight N data
Action: Removes the N first characters from the data starting from the right.

Syntax: sTrim data
Action: Removes the empty space from the beginning and the end of the data.

Syntax: sCopy N1 N2 Data
Action: Retrieves N2 characters of the data starting from N1.
Example: sCopy 8 4 Hello, testing 123 - Returns: test

Syntax: sPos "data1" data2 (-Case)
Action: Finds where data1 starts inside of data2. Give the Case parameter to make the search case sensitive.
Example: sPos "test" Hello, testing 123 - Returns: 8

Syntax: sCount "data1" data2 (-Case)
Action: Counts how many time data1 can be found from data2.
Example sCount "12" Testing 123 - Returns: 1.

Syntax: sRem Character data
Action: Removes the specified character from the data. The search is case sensitive.
Example: sRem o Foo 123 testing - Returns: F 123 testing

Syntax: sRep Character1 Character2 data
Action: Replaces the specified character with another character from the data.
Example: sRep g ' Testing - Returns: Testin'

Syntax: sExtractData dataname data
Action: Extracts the data from the followind data structure: Dataname="data".
Example: sExtractData Filename Filename="c:\file.txt" - Shows: c:\file.txt

Syntax: ExtFileName filename
Action: Extracts the filename part of a full path to a file.
Example: ExtFileName C:\test\foo.exe - Returns foo.exe

Syntax: ExtFileDir filename
Action: Extracts the directory part of a full path to a file. Result always ends to a backslash.
Example: ExtFileDir C:\test\foo.exe - Returns C:\test\

Syntax: ExtFileExt filename
Action: Extracts the file's extension.
Example: ExtFileExt C:\test\foo.exe - Returns .exe

Syntax: RemBackSlash data
Action: Removes the trailing backslash from the data.
Example: RemBackSlash C:\Dir\ - Returns C:\Dir

Syntax: InsBackSlash data
Action: Adds a backslash at the end of the data. If there already is one doesn't do anything.
InsBackSlash C:\Dir  - Returns C:\Dir\
InsBackSlash C:\Dir\ - Returns C:\Dir\

Syntax: RemSlash data
Action: Removes the trailing slash from the data.
Example: - Returns

Syntax: InsSlash data
Action: Adds a slash at the end of the data. If there already is one doesn't do anything.
InsSlash  - Returns
InsSlash - Returns

Syntax: sLine N
Action: Gets the Nth line of the console screen. The last line of the screen is line number 1 (line 0 is the last command, in this case the sLine).

Syntax: sLength data
Action: Calculates the length of the data.

Syntax: Ascii data
Action: Shows the data's first character's ascii code.

Syntax: Rot13 data
Action: A simple encryption method that rotates the letters by 13. Use this command to encrypt, use it the second time to decrypt.
Notes: Should not be used as a real encryption method.

Syntax: ClpCopy data
Action: Copies data to the Windows' clipboard.

Action: Pastes the data from the Windows' clipboard.

Syntax: iCopy data
Action: Copies the data to the PowerTools' clipboard.

Action: Pastes the data from the PowerTools' clipboard.

Syntax: RndText N
Action: Generates random text. Paramater N defines the length of the data.

Syntax: RndAscii N
Action: Generates random ASCII data. Paramater N defines the length of the data.

Syntax: RndHex N
Action: Generates random hex data. Paramater N defines the length of the data.

Syntax: RndBin N
Action: Generates random data. Paramater N defines the length of the data.

Syntax: EvalPswd data
Action: Analyzes the data and says how good it would be as a password. The command's result is a number, the bigger number the better password the data would be.

Syntax: RegExp "Expression" data
Action: Analyzes the data using the specific regular expression. The RegExp engine is created by Henry Spencer, ported to Delphi by Andrey V. Sorokin (

Variable operators
The .jvb batch file scripting language supports variables, you can use them with these commands.

Syntax: Define VariableName (Value)
Action: Defines a new variable.
Notes: Variable names cannot contain a space nor the following special characters: " = [ ]. The variables are stored in the memory as long as the powertools is running or the variable is cleared by ClearVar or ClearVars command. Variable names are not case sensitive.

Syntax: VariableName := NewValue
Action: Sets a new value to a variable.
X := "Hello World" - Sets the value of X to 'Hello World'.
X := "3 + 3 equals " [Calc 3+3] - Sets the value of x to '3 + 3 equals 6'.
X := [Calc x+1] - Increases x's value by one.

Syntax: ClearVar Name
Action: Clears a variable.

Action: Clears all defined variables.

Action: Lists all defined variables

Syntax: VarExt Name
Action: Returns "True" if variable exists, returns "False" if it doesn't.

Syntax: SwapVars Name1 Name2
Action: Sets the first variable's value to the second one and vice versa.

Syntax: CombVars BaseVar Name1 Name2
Action: Combines variables.
CombVar v1 v1 v2 - Combines v1's and v2's values and sets it as v1's new value.
CombVar v1 v2 v3 - Combines v2's and v3's values and sets it as v1's new value.

Syntax: SaveVars filename
Action: Saves all the defined variables to a file.

Syntax: LoadVars filename
Action: Clears all the currently defined variables and loads the variables from the file.

Syntax: LoadVarsA filename
Action: Keeps all the currently defined variables and loads new variables from the file.

.:: Copyright 2001-2003 Jouni Vuorio